3-D sweep
This is so cool!
Final Fantasy X and X-2 trivia, Fan Fiction writing and other creative work
This is so cool!
Like get all the gear, toons, mounts pets, achievements.. everything in the armory. Later perhaps backup inventory, bank, vault
I wish I could say this was a surprise, but it isn't. On the newly revised Terms of Service Linden Labs has made a grab for the IP of things uploaded or built in Second Life
Except as otherwise described in any Additional Terms (such as a contest’s official rules) which will govern the submission of your User Content, you hereby grant to Linden Lab, and you agree to grant to Linden Lab, the non-exclusive, unrestricted, unconditional, unlimited, worldwide, irrevocable, perpetual, and cost-free right and license to use, copy, record, distribute, reproduce, disclose, sell, re-sell, sublicense (through multiple levels), modify, display, publicly perform, transmit, publish, broadcast, translate, make derivative works of, and otherwise exploit in any manner whatsoever, all or any portion of your User Content (and derivative works thereof), for any purpose whatsoever in all formats, on or through any media, software, formula, or medium now known or hereafter developed, and with any technology or devices now known or hereafter developed, and to advertise, market, and promote the same.ORLY ?
Linden Lab's Blocksworld: Not a Huge Moneymaking Hit So Far, But Pretty Big With Kids
Blocksworld from Linden Lab reached the top of the iPad charts last month, making it the company's first hit product besides Second Life, but according to leading mobile analytics firm Appannie, it's not sustaining in the stratosphere..
the game is nowhere near a hit like Candy Crush Saga, which makes close to $1 million a dayEven in it's own core competency - building - Linden Labs get's it's butt kicked by newcomers. It is a pity because there are very talented people at Linden but their corporate vision and product design teams have always been blind as a bat to what their target market wants. Blockword was targeted at kids ? Then why are kid friendly features missing ? Why does Candy Crush sells so much more to kids ? Because they did their homework and made a game with kids in mind full of features kids love.
oh did you see the latest from linden labs ?
2.k : You must not provide any feature that alters the shared experience of the virtual world in any way not provided by or accessible to users of the latest released Linden Lab viewer.
This item is a bomb. That says if a third party viewer shows you anything not in a Linden Lab viewer, it is a violation of the policy.
This single item seems to totally void the advantage and reason for the existence of third party viewers.
isn't that necessary if there trying to make a stable viewer ?
It is an awful policy that will completely bury Second Life.If Linden Labs succeeds on being the mandatory source of all innovation of client features, it will delay the release of new features or make it's source code a bloated buggy mess. Or both. And forget about easy to use, "kitchen sink" software is just too vast to be user friendly. If they fail, there will be an exodus from Second Life, as people migrate to better viewers on other platforms.
For Linden Lab, the joint project with I.B.M., it seems, is an effort to make its technology platform a common standard — the Windows of virtual worlds. But for many corporate uses, it is not clear that Second Life offers any advantage over competitors like ActiveWorlds or OpenSim, an open source virtual world technology.
From: The New York Times, April 2, 2008
It's mid-afternoon, and we're in the middle of our annual 'improve the perception of IT' fortnight. Things are going just great.
Where do you fit?
In the afternoons of Saturday and Sunday, we'll turn our attention to building. Saturday afternoon, March 15 will see "The Return of Sculpty Day" – a five-hour lecture/showcase on advanced detail modeling tools and applications. On Sunday evening, March 16, we'll present "Modeling Light" – a special mini-symposium on light, shade and rendering led by Xenius Revere, formerly of Electric Sheep and now of 3Di, one of Second Life's most fabulous and innovative builders.
We've been blogged about!!!!
Temple trials done by FF fan and SL builder bLaZe Hienrichs. I did the Fayth stone. Blue did the Besaid huts. Enjoy!
For those who haven't heard yet, to commemorate 20 Years of Final Fantasy, I have been renting two islands on second life where FFX fans all can RP or just hang out together pretending we are in Spira or Besaid island. And build stuff to make "Spira" come to life in Second Life
Rank Player Cartel Score
"You're here because you just asked how to make an MMORPG on a forum, or you asked for a team to make an MMORPG and provided little/no information about your project"
Over the course of the last 6 years, OGRE has grown to become one of the most popular open-source graphics rendering engines, and has been used in a large number of production projects, in such diverse areas as games, simulators, educational software, interactive art, scientific visualisation, and others - take a look at what others have been saying about it. It's free, so why not try it out?
It says it's public so I'll paste some of it here. This is cool for a million reasons but my main is: a 3D MMORPG environment that lets you import XML and do your own games ? Woohoo!