
Rikku's blog - 1,000 After Yevon - 2nd week of Spring, day 1

Diving around Baaj Temple

My no good brother took us diving near those gloomy ruins again! He says he can feel that there is treasure to be found there. As if! We have been diving there for 2 weeks and not a trace of anything salvageable just some large fiends. One of the fiends almost killed Eigar!. It was the largest Georapella I have ever seen!

Of machina treasure there was no sign, but we did find a treasure: A cute guy was battling a large fiend in the ruins of Baaj Temple. I'm serious! We found him right in the middle of nowhere without a boat and he says the strangest things! The poor guy must have gotten too close to Sin's toxin. Here's a picture of me and him that Eigar took

Tomorrow we will go deep diving, so I gotta go to bed now.
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